Time to start posting again

its been a while,  actually a very long while but need to start posting again, I sold my K3 that you see in the picture on my website, sold it at the beginning of the year to pay off some debts, biggest regret ever, now looking for another K3/K3S, I swapped my IC-7300 for an IC-7600  which im currently using and which I love and my little IC-7000 which i also love but just really want another K3, a lots happened since my last post, 2 trips to ZC4 actually happened and they were awesome, I need to post the stories of both trips which I will do, but just a quick posting here to say lots more posts coming,  ive been very close to giving up entirely, my mental health has not been the greatest but im still here, sometimes I wonder how but i am so onwards and upwards as i keep saying, more posts to come in the following weeks and reports of my two trips to ZC4


Its been over 30 years since ive operated as ZC4MK, I had a couple of trips planned in the last few years but due to flight cancellations and Covid those trips were cancelled, well finally I have my ZC4MK license re-issued and now valid until March 2025 so im heading back, I plan on operating for 10 days in March of next year during the the CQ WW WPX contest but before that I will be heading to Cyprus next week for a weeks holiday, im not 100 percent sure if I will manage to get on the air but I have my callsign and I have a good friend of mine who lives in 5B4 who will loan me some kit to use if I decide to spend a day or two in the SBA, even if I dont operate this time round im definatley headed back next year in March and then possibly during the summer to also do some 6m, I cant effin wait

Been a while, wee update

Not posted in a long time, maybe time to start posting again, been quite a traumatic couple of years all told for me but ive come out of the other side, well mostly, just when I think i am something else comes alone to hit me for six, but we push on, the shack is now down to one radio, my little IC-7300 which dont get me wrong is a fabulous little radio, I know I will never manage a 7800 or a 7850, was gutted I had to sell my IC-7700 a couple of years ago, quite fancy an IC-7610 but doubt that will happen either, way to expensive (unless the lottery win comes along LOL) still only QRV on 10m and 6m  so far this year and the bands have not been great despite the start of the new sunspot cycle, indications looked good earlier in the year but it seems to have fallen flat, there is still some good DX to be worked though, just a lot of patience required.

There are a lot of DXpeditions starting to appear in the coming months so with that in mind im on the lookout for a 2nd hand multiband antenna,  either an MA5B, 2 el Tribander or an old Hexbeam, just so I can have access to other HF bands in the next few months, no amp on the horizon and as ive managed 35  years without one I doubt one will be on the cards anytime soon, rarely treat myself to anything new these days given the financial issues ive had but I did however treat myself to a new paddle key earlier this year, the CT755 from Yury UR5CDX, its a thing of beauty and given that im primarily CW these days its a joy to use, anyway thats about it  for this wee update, have a few plans for the coming weeks/months so will try and post more asap.

73 de Adrian G0KOM

It never rains but it ………..

Well you know the rest, had just sourced the perfect KX3 but then a very large car bill put paid to that, ah well it was probably meant to be, still have a few bits of kit to sell, am surprised nobody has bought my Kenwood TS-870S I have for sale, lovely conditon and totally untouched, I think its up for a great price as well but maybe its just that time of year, as we speak the 3Y0J team are only a few days away from Bouvet, whist I still have some equipment Id better try and get them worked on at least a band or two, it would be an ATNO on any band for me as it will be for hundreds of thousands of Amateurs around the world so the pileups are going to be immense.

I think I will probably wait until the 2nd week before even trying as I dont own an amp and will be contending with most of the big guns in europe with their 2K amps, still only have a 10m antenna up so I really need to think about something quick and easy for other bands, I have a DX Commander Expedition I bought for my trip to ZC4 its been sat in the box for a couple of years so I think its time to break it out and put it up with a few bands, most probably 40m, 30m 17m and 12m although at this point im not sure, anything is better than nothing as the saying goes

So no KX3 or IC-7000 for now, perhaps later in the year, right now im not even sure what next week is going to bring never mind later in the year

Onwards and upwards apparently

Not quite QRT follow up

Well after much thought and although ive pretty much sold most of my equipment I wont go QRT totally,  ive been thinking about the way forward and until my home life improves substantially I will not operate from home so I think the Car and also portable will be my options for the forseeable future, I still think another IC-7000 or an IC-706MKIIG is the way forward for the car but also looking at something like a KX3 o r KX2 to have as a portable option, ive got plenty of bits still laying around to put together some half decent portable antennas to use on the fly so thats the way forward I think, of course that all may change, well actually it probably wont unless I win the lottery 🙂 stock pic of KX3 posted as I dont own one to photograph yet. oh and the below statement still applies. 

Illegitimi non carborundum

Not quite QRT but close

Well pretty much all of my equipment is sold, left with just the one radio the IC-7300, could really use the money but am loathed to sell it as I know i will regret it, the towers are still unsold although I have sold the Tennamast, the Altron remains in place on the house and the smaller MM0CUG is now laying in the garden waiting to be sold, the Clark Scam has now gone as well, just no idea what the future holds for me, been licensed now for 34 years and on radio in one form or the other for 45 years, ive gone through periods of being QRT before so im guessing I will be back at some stage, the main reason for going QRT is the breakup of my marriage of 25 years, its hit me very hard and although now over a year ago it continues to affect my mental health and wellbeing in a substantial way, its also hit me financially so the time has come to prioritise.

I spend a lot of time in my car ferrying kids here there and everywhere so am possibly thinking of picking up another mobile radio, IC-706MKIIG or another IC-7000, wish id not sold my last 7000 but needs must, I have some HF mobile antennas that have sat in the shed for donkeys years so could put them to good use without having to fork out anymore money, at least it would enable me to stay on the air until circumstances at home start to improve, anyway its all just thoughts at the moment, i had thought about putting the 7300 in the car but its just a tad too big and I think something like the 706MKIIG or 7000 would allow me to put the body of the radio in the boot and just mount the head unit in the car, easier for removal and security.

I think if id had some capital behind me i would have just jumped on a plane to a nice sunny DX location (almost definatly Cyprus) and stayed for good, well maybe my lottery will come in soon and I will be able to do just that, ahh not with my luck though, anyway still QRV ish until the tower and antennas are sold, I will leave the 7300 until absolutley last before I make any rash decisions, im trying to adhere to the phrase below, sadly it doesnt seem to be working.

Illegitimi non carborundum


The breakup of my marriage to the love of my life after 25 years has significantly affected my mental health and left me in not a very good place so for now im selling up and going QRT

VP8TLE Laurie 10m

Nice little opening to VP8TLE  one of my fellow CDXC members Laurie Margolis, G3UML currently in Port Stanley, (now the City of Stanley) would love to go down and reactivate my VP8COI call. great signal today

3 Element LFA for 10m

Well I finally got of my arse and swapped the 2 el Moxon for the 3 Element LFA just in time for the  SFI to take a dive and conditions drop, but still seems to be working well, Ive now taken down the 2m and 4m antennas as i intend to move that tower to another part of the garden, i really need to get something up for other bands as well as currently I only have the 3 El 10m antenna and the 5 Element 6m antenna up.

Been a while

Been a while since any posts so guess Id better start posting again, been a tough few first months of the year for me in my personal life but slowly coming out of the other side, following on from the last post about the Hexbeam I did actually purchase a fairly cheap 2nd hand Hexbeam but its still sat in the shed, cant quite get the courage to put it up just in case it pisses the neighbours off again, still have the 5 element LFA up for 6m and the 2 el Moxon for 10m, really need to start looking at other bands now that things are starting to improve, as I write this the SFI is 163 and conditions have been excellent lately on 10m so far with my only little radio and minimal antennas ive worked 95 countries on 10 which im fairly happy with, nice new one recently ws 9N7AA on CW which as an ATNO on any band so even happier to get him on 10m CW

Am hoping to be able to save enough pennies so I can get another decent radio later in the year, I think ive set my heart on an IC-7610, being an Icom man at heart, it will more than likely have to be a 2nd hand one though as new they certainly arent cheap, im starting to clear my workshop out and have a ton of bits and bobs I need to put up for sale, mostly radio related but some other stuff as well, if I can get my finger out and get it done it will go some way to getting me that 7610, even got a couple of old Racal RA17s in a 19in Rack to get rid of, the joys, takes me back to trade training at RAF Cosford in 1984