Time to start posting again

its been a while,  actually a very long while but need to start posting again, I sold my K3 that you see in the picture on my website, sold it at the beginning of the year to pay off some debts, biggest regret ever, now looking for another K3/K3S, I swapped my IC-7300 for an IC-7600  which im currently using and which I love and my little IC-7000 which i also love but just really want another K3, a lots happened since my last post, 2 trips to ZC4 actually happened and they were awesome, I need to post the stories of both trips which I will do, but just a quick posting here to say lots more posts coming,  ive been very close to giving up entirely, my mental health has not been the greatest but im still here, sometimes I wonder how but i am so onwards and upwards as i keep saying, more posts to come in the following weeks and reports of my two trips to ZC4