Ive never ventured onto 2m on anything other than FM so I think after being licensed for 30 years its time I make the effort to try something else, just built this nice compact 6 element LFA for 2m, not got it up yet but just tested it on a small pole in the back garden, looking forward to getting it up on the back of the house and giving some 2m CW and SSB a try, next on the list is a small 10 Element for 70cm.
Its a start
Well not much to report, I took down the rotary dipole and replaced it with my old Cushcraft R7000 as it gives me access to more bands, again its not ideal but i have to be wary of the neighbours and as considerate as possible, not sure what plans I have but one of them is to build a Cobweb antenna and see how that performs, the Cushcraft vertical is designed to be mounted at an optimum height of 18ft so as you can see being ground mounted isnt ideal but it gets me up and running on 7 bands, being vertical its prone to much more noise than the horizontal antenna but again not much I can do, 30m the noise level is over S9 which is a pain, 20m noise level is about an S5 which is workable and about the same on 40m less so on the higher bands which are pretty much dead at the moment,