New year, new plans, bloody hope so

Well the last few years havent been kind to me, my marriage broke. up after 24 years a few years ago then as if by magic someone else came into my life, and almost 2 years later thats gone as well, the last half of this year has been pretty shit to be honest hence why ive not really done anything radio wise and gotten behind on everything, so maybe its time just to work on me and live life for me for a change, so were booked again for ZC4 for the end of March next year, i will be there over the CQWW WPX contest as well, same as last year, im looking forward to it, Im also looking at booking a summer trip back to ZC4 probably in July, I no longer need to worry about anyone else so its just me, to that end ive been thinking long and hard and if one of these rare DXpeditions that are occuring in the next year or two are looking for an operator i may just put myself forward, anyway, just a quick post to say im still alive and kicking, only just but im here.

My dates for Cyprus are 24th to the 31st of March, im there over CQ WW WPX so I plan to do the same as last year and put in a single 10m band low power entry, im currently trying to sort out a Hexbeam to take with me, possibly a Buddihex if I can get one shipped to the UK without it costing me an arm an a leg, im also taking a 5 El 50Mhz beam, will post a bit more info when I know it

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